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Showing posts from October, 2022

October 31: All Hallows Eve Tracking

 Today we went to a field in my subdivision next to the tennis court and playground.  It had been dizzling earlier so it was very quiet except for the occasional car driving by.  It was 64°F with 6 mph winds and overcast. We did another 15, 20 and 25 steps track. My line-up is the corner fence post and the corner of the house behind it. Here is the track with 6 flags and three articles. Fanny ate a lot of the food but ran over some of it. She would have back tracked to get it if I let her. I kept her moving forward.  She went off to the right about a foot one time to sniff something, but quickly moved back to the track and kept tracking. She seemed very interested in the second article nudging it with her nose I said, "what did you find?" and she laid down.  At the last article, she wanted to keep going until I kneeled the article and then she laid down for the cookies. She seems to continue tracking even after I put her leash on h

Weekend of October 29-30: First Class with Fanny and First Practice with Fanny

  Fanny's First Track     The instructions were to: pre-count food for 15 steps.  Food every two steps. When you run out of food you know you've gone 15 steps. Check line-up after every two steps. put down a flag to the left of my left food and scuff 15 steps, but when you have about three pieces of food left, put down your second flag. Finish the track and lay down an article with food inside. walk five large steps. Pre-count food for 20 steps. Put down your third flag and scuff 20 steps.  Put down flag and article the same way you did after the first track.   Walk five large steps.  Pre-count food for 25 steps. Put down your fifth flag and scuff 25 steps. Put down last flag and article the same way you did after the first two tracks. Walk straight another five steps and walk around the track.  Do not back track.   October 29: Fanny's Tracking in Class In her first class and first-time tracking with other people following, she was nervous and pulled me straight down the tr

First class with no Fanny

 We had our first class on Saturday without dogs.  It was nice to get back to basics.  We went over laying tracks including using double line-ups, scuffing tracks, with food between our feet every two steps and line handling.  For homework, we need to: Practice your skills actually putting the track in.for the starter teams, it’s scuff 2, food between your feet, scuff 2, food between your feet—all while checking to make sure you are on your line up. I have been practicing putting in tracks in my backyard.  I have a lot of tall trees spaced well apart so they are good for practicing line ups.  I tried using pine straw as “food” but Cheeky, 4 month old puppy jumped up and grabbed it from me.  She decided to let me have a twig to break into small pieces and use as “food”.  This is one line-up using Cheeky's playhouse and one of the trees in my yards. Put something (article like) on the ground and practice walking past it and picking it up, putting it in your pocket. I’m practicing whe

My first post

This was a little too easy.  This is my first blog post.  Fanny and I can’t wait to get started!  Here are a few photos of Fanny.  Fanny is also known as  CH Cryslen's Fat Bottomed Girl TKN .