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Showing posts from November, 2022

November 18: Tracking at Pole Green Park

It was 52°F and wind gusts 17 mph at our backs toward the end of the track. The wind was very chilly. Fanny ate the hot dogs on the track, but went over some of them. She started going backwards on the track to get the left behind hot dogs. She laid down on each article. She takes off after eating all the hot dogs in the article, eager to keep tracking.

November 14: Tracking in the Cold

It was 50°F, not windy but chilly and sunny at 3 pm. We went tracking at the field outside my subdivision on near 360. Fanny picked up hot dogs on the first track but went over them on the next two tracks. This may have been because the grass was shin high and she had to dig around for them in the high grass. Fanny voluntarily laid down at each article. At the second article, she looked around before laying down like she had to make sure the coast was clear. Fanny still wants to continue tracking when we're done even though I move the lead to her collar. She tracked all the way back to the van.  

November 8: Pole Green Park again

 We went to the same field in Pole Green Park today but were further away from the playground and skate park. It was sunny, but the sun was going down and it was breezy and a bit cooler out at only 58°F.  The 9 mph breeze was moving right to left over the track.  The opposite of yesterday's track.  Fanny ate almost all of the food as she went down the track and stayed right on the track, which was great.  When she got to the articles today she wanted to just keep going so I stopped and held her in place until she decided to come back to the articles.  She laid down voluntarily when she decided to come back to the articles.   Fanny was burping a lot today and is gaining weight.  I might have to find a less fattening treat for Fanny to track daily or put her on the treadmill.

November 7: Tracking at Pole Green Park

The weather was warm, 80°F, sunny and breezy.  Wind gusts 10-16 mph blowing from left to right across the track and the grass was cut to the ground making it easy to find hot dogs. Fanny ate a lot of the hot dog pieces on the track.  Wind blew her off to the right about 6 inches for just a few steps and she quickly returned to the track for the hot dogs.  Fanny nudged each of the articles but did not lay down at the article until I got down on my knees. Thinking I should consider her nudging the article to be her article indication rather than waiting for her to lay down?

November 4: Tracking Practice

Today we tracking in the same field as yesterday.  It was 70°F and not windy at 6:05 pm. It was a little different because Jason was with us and video taped us tracking. Fanny seemed a little distracted but happy.  I tried to slow her down and at one point she stopped completely, maybe to see what Jason was doing. She stopped a few times to pick up treats. I will post the video.  She paused for a long minute at the first article, sat on it and then turned around and laid down at the article for her treats.  I think she was distracted. Video of Fanny tracking November 4

November 3: Tracking as the Sun Sets

We went tracking in a field outside my subdivision almost right next to 360 and a Valero gas station.  Fanny has tracked here before, but the traffic is still kind of loud.  6 pm, 65°F and 5 mph winds The Line-up for today's track was the tall multi-colored tree and a fur tree behind it.  There is another field between this one and 360 with a small road going to some quiet little shops and a restaurant between the fields.  We are approximately 350 yards from 360.. Fanny was a little more nervous with the traffic going by and the sounds of motorcycles revving their engines, but she was wagging her tail when we got out of the van. She moved quickly down the first leg and only started picking up hot dogs on the second track.  She stopped at each article, looked around as if checking to make sure it was safe and then nudged them with her nose and laid down. She ate all the treats and started tracking again.  Fanny didn't start eating food on the track until the second track.  She w

November 2: Cold Harbor Battlefield

  5:15 pm Overcast/not windy/66°F at the large field at Cold Harbor Battlefield Fa nny ran down the track and pretty much ignored the food but did stop for it a couple times but not because she was nervous.    She was very excited to track.    Tail wagging and indicated each article without me saying or doing anything.    I just stayed quiet and gave her a minute and she nudged the articles with her nose and then laid down.    I think she was excited to track and excited to get to the jackpot in each article. Edit: I forgot to add that Fanny did drink from her water bottle at the end of the track.  I made her lay back down at the last article and offered her water.  In that position, she decided to drink a little bit.